Volleyball and Fire Trucks
Today, middle child discovered a lovely red box with a white lever on the inside. Quite naturally, he looked to see if I was watching him (I was) and if my friend was watching him (she was), and then pulled the lever.
I shrieked out a NO, but it was too late. It was too late to stop the inevitable sound of the fire alarm going off.
Yes. Middle child pulled the fire alarm today. At the gym. When it was full of people. People swimming, people lifting weights, people with their children, and people playing volleyball. All these people had to stop what they were doing, and maybe some of them had limited time, and leave the building. All these people had to stand outside, wait for the fire department to show up, and assess the building with full "battle gear" on.
I. Was. Mortified. And that puts in mildly. I was in tears. The embarrassment I felt over this little episode is like nothing I have ever experienced. How did he reach this magical lever, you ask? Well, we were there to cheer on The Captain's volleyball team. There is a big sporting competition going on right now, and today was volleyball day. There were bleachers pushed up against the wall to accommodate for the surge in people on the gym floor... at the PERFECT height to reach the magical lever. Really, how could he NOT pull it, right? He is two.
I get to go to bed early. I already decided. The Captain doesn't know it yet, but I am done child rearing for the day. He can finish out the day when he gets home.
Labels: children, fire truck, gym, smh
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